On their blog earlier this month, the Broad Institute posted a nice piece wittily entitled, “Opinionome: What will be the next big –ome?

It included a chart exploring the main -omes and -omics, as well as suggestions from experts on what they saw as the next hot thing in this space.

university-of-copenhagenAn interesting thing that stood out to me in this timely piece was the complete and utter absence of the glycome and glycomics, which would be my answer to their provocative question – maybe not necessarily as the most hyped one  – but certainly as a very impactful one.

While in Copenhagen for ESMO, we took some time out to meet with a leading global expert in the obscure field of glycomics and had the pleasure of hearing what he had to say about this exciting field of research.

The research may impact not only our knowledge about how cancer progresses, but also how it can be used to design and devise better therapeutics, including CAR T cell therapies. The answers we heard may therefore surprise.

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