Have you ever wondered where the ideas and new molecules come from in terms of oncology drug discovery platforms?

New York, New York!

Why are young biotechs often prolific at generating novel approaches while big Pharmas are slow with a tendency to follow the crowd?

Much of the answer lies in a combination of nimbleness, focus, and flexibilty – not just in terms of fresh ideas, but also a willingness to tackle the difficult targets requiring deeper knowledge and problem solving.

In order to generate these targets and molecules, however, you need a consistent platform to test and predict how the scaffolds and targets might integrate.

Here we look at a company with a solid reputation in this space and also hihghlight how they are emerging as a biotech company in their own right with an interesting and diverse pipeline focused on a variety of different targets…

BSB subscribers can read more on our latest look at an intriguing company active in the AI and machine learning space in terms of drug discovery – you can log-in or click to access our ongoing oncology coverage.

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