Source: Wikipedia

Today is Groundhog day in America, where an over large rodent is brought out as a seer of sorts to determine whether there is an early or late spring, depending on whether he sees his shadow or not.

The most famous character is Punxsutawny Phil in deepest Pennsylvania, who did indeed, see his shadow this year.

Of course, the scientist in me wonders every year if anyone has ever examined his annual predictions and determined the accuracy of his sage answers?

The metaphor might also seem somewhat apt on several fronts in the context of cancer research…

Firstly, there’s the obvious allusion to the dreaded shadow on scans and suchlike.

Secondly, I think many of us get very tired of so many companies jumping on the bandwagon and chasing the same old same old targets, like lemmings off a cliff or even… Groundhog day.

Thus I’m totally going to break with tradition and talk about a potential new onco target instead…

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