Pinning down potential new opportunities for IL–8 and 4–1BB
The keynote address at the 2018 CRI CIMT EATI AACR International Cancer Immunotherapy Conference in New York last month was given by Ignacio Melero (Pamplona). Professor Melero gave an engaging and informative presentation entitled, “The immunotherapy faces of Interleukin–8 and CD137.” He also had a related talk on “4–1BB and Metabolism” at the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) meeting this weekend.

Pinning down new opportunities in IL-8 and 4-1BB
The late and sadly missed, Dr Holbrook Kohrt (Stanford), worked closely with Prof Melero on targeting CD137 or 4–1BB, as it’s more commonly known.
Regular readers may recall our interview wth Dr Kohrt back at Immunology 2015 in New Orleans (Link).
Professor Melero kindly spoke to BSB at SITC 2018 and shared his thoughts on where we are three years on and where his research is currently focused in relation to cytokines, and in particular, IL–8.
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