Highlights of Saturday at ASH20 Part 1
The 2020 annual meeting of the American Society of Hematology (#ASH20) is in full swing, and like riding a roller coaster, during the day we’ve experienced some highs and lows as we heard data presentations.
Like all the other major medical/scientific meetings this year, ASH are to be congratulated at pivoting to a virtual meeting. While we do miss meeting people, in the current COVID world and for the foreseeable future, it’s hard to imagine the “ASH Dash” and throngs of people moving between sessions, let alone wanting to sit in a crowded plenary session, even if we all wore masks!
In this two part post we’re offering some commentary on what caught our attention on Saturday at ASH, (both the good and the bad); we also plan to have some expert interviews to follow in the “post game” show.

ASH19: The world we used to know, but is no longer
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