Yes, it really was sunny in England one fine day in April 2024!
“Each man’s death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.”
~ John Donne (1572–1631), Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral in London and poet extraordinaire
Most writers quote the beginning of Donne’s poem and make some point around “No man is an island” and yet, in oncology the latter half of the first verse is a much more apt reminder for us all to ponder.
Few in R&D will forget how patients with advanced solid tumours have precious little time to find the right treatment or regimen to help them live another six months in comfort – in order to put their affairs in order or say goodbye to their loved ones.
It behooves us all to work smarter and find new solutions to move the needle while reducing the incidence of severe adverse events. There is also a responsibility inherent in the process to improve on what’s gone before.
While targeted protein degradation (TPD) is still in its infancy, there is quiet hope for the future versions that we may be on the right track to making a difference to the lives of people with cancer.
In our latest company interview, we chat with a thoughtful company researcher who is leading from the front in developing novel approaches to tackling advanced cancers…
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