The most common cause of breast cancer death is when metastatic ER+ tumors develop resistance to treatment.  There remains an huge unmet medical need for new effective treatment options.

One translational clinical researcher leading the way in understanding the molecular and genomic landscape in ER+ metastatic breast cancer is Nikhil Wagle, MD (@Nikhilwagle), Deputy Director, Center for Cancer Precision Medicine at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI).

He’s shown the power of partnering with patients via social media to speed research, with over 3,000 men and women joining the Metastatic Breast Cancer Project that launched in October 2015.

At the 2016 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, Dr Wagle kindly spoke to BSB about the genomics research that he and colleagues are undertaking, and what this may mean for how metastatic breast cancer is treated:

  • What if you could help accelerate clinical trial enrollment via a network of educated and empowered patients?
  • What if you could access real world data to help learn about exceptional responders?

For those of you in Pharmaland, here’s one approach that should captivate the imagination of what’s possible.

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