There are plenty of innovative and creative ideas coming to the fore in oncology R&D of late, many of which are quite different twists on what we currently have available.

Early oncology development is rarely plain sailing – some fly like the wind, others fall over

As Dr Dan Chen of Engenuity noted in his talk in the SITC22 preconference session on lessons learned from IO combinations, if we want to cut to the chase when looking at emerging agents then we need to ask ourselves whether any of the concepts are seeking to address the limitations of the current products, particularly those associated with either primary or secondary immune escape.

After all, repeating the same old, same old is probably not going to move the needle in any meaningful way.

In thinking about which biotechs to pick for the annual SITC review, I also asked myself a couple of additional provocative questions – how are they distinguished from the competition, and in what way are they particularly compelling?

We’ll discuss these as we go through the selections, which includes both some solid developments as well as others we ought to be much more wary of offering too much hype over hope…

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