Boston Commons in the Fall

Cancer’s got moves… sneaky moves to ensure its survival when you throw targeted therapies its way.

Monotherapy whacks just one piece of the beast. Crafty tumour cells can simply switch on alternate pathways to drive growth again. It’s like a hydraulic game of Whac-A-Mole.

But what if you could outsmart cancer’s backup systems? Shut down its escape route for a while longer?

New preclinical data reveal a smart 1-2 punch that can trap tumours in a corner. The sweet science of vertical and cross pathway inhibition.

This new technique tags both early and late players in pathways like MAPK and PI3K/mTOR. When this happens, cancer’s got no fallback. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

Tumours take a sustained beating with every line of therapy thrown at them. Signalling disrupted. Proliferation caged. Apoptosis triggered. TKO.

Combinations tested in NSCLC, RCC, CRC and pancreatic cancer. Impressive, durable regressions.  Researchers now poised to take this clever combo into the human ring.

Want the insider details? A ringside seat to the science? Step this way and we’ll walk you through the preclinical data blow-by-blow…

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