How do we go about distinguishing one therapy from another in an emerging niche?

It’s been fascinating to see many companies in the IO space trying to pivot from oncology to autoimmune disease, regardless of whether they have a CD19 or CD20 T cell bispecific or CAR-T cell therapy.

Someone presents some initial evidence of activity and suddenly, Bingo!  Everyone else rushes to try it out too.

It reminds me of those old medical jars at apothecaries in the 1700-1800s, like the one in Imola (right), which still stands today.

How do we pick out one from another though?

The obvious answer is… it depends.  On the data collected by disease setting, the line of therapy, disease burden, and so on.

This is going to take some time to gather before the dust settles.

In our latest review we chose eight different approaches and put them through their paces for a careful look at the evidence.

Did anything stand out?  Yes, it did…

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