Mailbox by the Polar Museum, Trømso

It is the dog days of summer in many places, and as thoughts turn to vacations and time away from the office it seemed a good idea to write five postcards around topics catching our attention in the science and biotech/pharma news this past week.

Issuing a press release on a phase 3 trial on July 4 in America is never a signal of good news and in this post we’ve some analysis and commentary on why the trial was doomed from the start and what lessons companies can learn from it.

For scientists among our readership we also have some thoughts on potential new targets and for those in translational research,there are some early data readouts to contemplate, as well as some heartwarming news to finish.

The postcards also span a variety of topics from CAR-T cells to epigenetics, IO, and protein degradation.

Happy reading!

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