Early last year I started tracking and coding the various elements as new ADC agents began emerging post JPM23 from various conference presentations and BD&L activity. I quickly ran out of colours!

A couple of trends quickly became apparent.

Big Pharma – needing to replenish pipelines – were gleefully snapping up topoisomerase-based ADCs and Asian countries who had a seemingly bottomless pit to supply their pent-up demand were the main beneficiaries.

Bergen harbour – where elegant ships and rusted clunkers rub should to shoulder

There are a number of reasons why this may not be the best idea in terms of R&D, however.

Some of them may do well, while many will turn out to be clunkers and likely fail.

This latest gold rush is not going to end well for some players and there will be many tears before bed time once everything shake out.

Today’s story adds some more evidence to the mix for consideration…

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