Novel Targets Podcast 6 – Immune Agonists

Which of these cakes will you choose?
Greetings from Vienna where we are gearing up for our coverage of the European Cancer Congress (Twitter #ECC2015).
We’ll be writing a “highlights” post for subscribers at the end of the day here on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, then will follow- up with more in-depth coverage after we have talked with experts about the data presented.
Checkpoint Inhibitors and Cancer Immunotherapy are not surprisingly hot topics at the meeting.
In case you missed it, this month’s episode of Novel Targets (are we really on show #6 already?!) takes us on a new branch of the journey looking at various aspects of cancer immunotherapy:
Boosting T cell production – Stepping on the Gas
In past shows, we’ve looked at unlocking the brakes (checkpoint inhibitors), immune biomarkers (MDSCs and STING pathway), an inflamed or immunologic tumour type (lung cancer), a non-inflamed tumour type (prostate cancer), adoptive cell therapies and now it’s time for something really different… what happens when we literally step on the gas with immune agonists?
That’s the theme of the latest show – listen to Episode 6 on SoundCloud or iTunes (open access thanks to our sponsors, Genentech).
This article focuses on more detailed background and show notes for BSB subscribers.
It’s an important topic that is both simple in concept to understand and yet highly complex in terms of optimising therapy.
It’s time to take a deeper dive…
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