The Next Big Wave in Multiple Myeloma
Aloha! The Eddie Aikau Big Wave surf contest only happens on Waimea Bay on the North Shore of Oahu in a year when there are 40 ft swells. It’s six years since the last one took place.

Waimea Bay Surfing on Feb 10th 2016
Yesterday, at the last minute the big waves failed to show up as an expected storm took a different track.
In R&D terms this is a bit like a phase 3 trial that was expected to be positive, only at the last minute reads out negative.
Last year was an exceptional year in multiple myeloma with several new approvals. It was a “Grand Cru” year, but there is already another wave on the horizon…
Whether it’s a 40 foot Eddie Aikau wave remains to be seen, just like the bay and weather dictates the waves, clinical trial data and physician experience ultimately drive uptake.
This post continues our in-depth post-ASH analysis and pre-TANDEM coverage, with a look at the new wave in myeloma that’s coming our way.
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