AACR18 Preview 4: a look at new developments in a key tumour type
As part of our annual AACR Preview series, we usually explore new developments in at least one tumour type and one new target of interest.

Bladder cancer cells infected with BCG Source: Dr M Glickman, MSK
This year is no different and there were plenty of opportunities to discuss.
We have already covered lung cancer given the intensive interest in the phase 3 trials being presented in the 1L setting, but I also wanted to cover another key tumour type that is generating a lot of keen interest in clinical development for numerous reasons.
Tomorrow we will be exploring a cancer target in detail, but there is much to cover in terms of new preclinical and clinical developments in certain carcinomas.
Without much ado about nothing since there is plenty of important things to discuss, so here’s a look at our second tumour type to watch out for given the sheer numbers of trials, including a variety of different targets to think about.
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