ASGCT20 Gems from the ePoster Hall

A high tide marker stands out on the beach, what stood out at ASGCT20 for you?
As Covid–19 continues to exert its impact on the cancer conference schedule, the good news is that it isn’t a total wrecking ball effect as organisations turn to virtual meetings to enable researchers to share their work.
Some of the events we have ‘attended’ this year have been prerecorded in advance, while others have taken the form of live events. Having listened to both, I can say they have advantages and disadvantages either way.
To me, it doesn’t really matter if you are flexible and appreciate the effort the scientists are making to show their wares.
This week it’s the turn of the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT) to be in the spotlight with a truly ‘live’ meeting.
In the latest post, we focus on some key Gems from the Poster Halls…
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