Important changes to watch out for in the GI cancer landscape
It’s that time of year when the ASCO GI and GU Symposiums come around, with GI up on deck first.

End of a rocky road for some GI cancers
Finally, after what seems like positive trials being few and far between we have a veritable raft of them to highlight, mostly for good reasons instead of bemoaning yet another negative phase 3 study – exciting times!
There’s also some up and coming agents in earlier development to watch out for, as well as the potential for additional indications for established drugs already approved by Health Authorities – what’s not to like?
In our latest conference Preview, we highlight some important trials and discuss them in the context of what’s gone before them to evaluate whether they will make an impact – or not…
BSB subscribers can read up on our ongoing commentary and analysis from the ASCO GI symposium – you can either log-in or click to access the back story behind the latest innovations.
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