Watch to watch out for at ASCO22

Hot or not? A saucy look at some oncology products in early development
One of the most common questions we receive heading into ASCO is what’s hot in in Developmental Therapeutics?
This is a really hard question to answer in any concrete fashion bearing in mind we have only titles and no data to speak of at this stage.
What we can do is highlight some intriguing topics, targets, or molecules we have been following and put their potential in the context of recently published data or announcements.
While it’s easy to over react to skimpy top line announcements from companies, sometimes the early warning signs (positive or negative) were visible a couple of years ago because the devil, as always is in the finer details.
Here we take another five new product developments and put them through their paces with some discussion on the broader context from either BSB or experts we have interviewed on the various topics…
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