AACR23 Insights on gems from the poster halls – Part 1
At AACR annual meetings there is a phenomenal number of posters on display, truly a smorgasbord of up and coming agents and targets relevant to cancer research.
I can still remember the trials and tribulations traveling from the UK to Boston as a PhD student on a limited budget to present a poster at a major US conference, so would like to congratulate all the young researchers with posters at this year’s AACR meeting. Presenting at an international meeting is a big deal and this year was the first time post-pandemic many could easily travel without restriction.

Fishing for gems in the poster halls
With several thousand posters to choose from the selection of what caught our interest is, by definition, subjective.
We’ve chosen to focus on new products in development or novel targets.
In part one of our AACR gems from the poster hall, we have 10 posters from emerging biotech companies with early stage data.
For each poster we’ve highlighted what we liked about the data, what to watch out for, and what our overall impressions were relative to some of the competition. Not all of them will make it through to phase 3, but some could show some initial promise.
If you haven’t finished your AACR23 trip report and want a few suggestions of what you might have missed or what emerging agents could be highlighted, this post may be for you.
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